5th Summit for Space Sustainability
Convene | New York City USA
June 13-14, 2023
Event Summary
This year's Summit for Space Sustainability was a critical step towards the long-term preservation of the space environment and the continued sustainable use of space. We saw enlightening presentations from influential figures like Guy Ryder, reminding us of the United Nation’s legacy in space governance. Our panel discussions explored partnerships across various sectors, the potential parallels between space and internet governance, and the significance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles in the space sector.
Our panelists, from the UK Space Agency to the Bank of America, offered unique perspectives on national space sustainability strategies and investment landscapes. Unforgettable spotlights on the Anti-Satellite (ASAT) Testing moratorium emphasized peace and sustainability. We ended the day with an animated Fireside Chat on the World Economic Forum’s Space Industry Debris Mitigation Recommendations, highlighting industry-led sustainability practices.
Day two lifted off with Lt. General John Shaw from U.S. Space Command and Dr. Brian Weeden discussing military space challenges. "Space Security is YOUR Problem, Too," our panel moderated by Victoria Samson, spotlighted the shared responsibility for space security across governments, space agencies, and commercial entities.
Krystal Azelton's panel, "Help Not Hinder: Ensuring Regulation Supports Innovation in Space," dissected the dynamic balance between regulatory frameworks and technology innovation. With esteemed panelists from UK Space Agency, Project Kuiper, Axelspace, Orbit Fab, and the FCC Space Bureau, the conversation focused on how national regulation can foster new technologies and activities while maintaining a safe, secure, peaceful, and sustainable space environment.
Spotlight sessions, led by Matthew Daniels from OSTP and Holly Ridings from NASA, paved the way for comprehensive talks on lunar plans, including NASA’s Gateway Program.
Two panels followed; “It’s Still Not a Lunar Space Race,” guided by Ian Christensen, dissected lunar space activities' realities. “The Artemis Accords and the Moon Agreement: Living in Harmony?”, moderated by Christopher Johnson, scrutinized these frameworks' compatibility.
Our summit concluded with spotlight talks on the threats from ASAT debris. Rachit Bhatia (LeoLabs), Hyerin Kim (ROK), and Eric Desautels (US Department of State) outlined the imperative for an ASAT test moratorium.
2023 Conference Agenda
2023 Conference Speakers
Event Sponsors
Young Professionals Support
SWF is dedicated to encouraging the next generation of space professionals to address the challenges of space sustainability. This event featured several activities designed to provide young space professionals with access to and connections with current leaders in the civil and commercial space industries. Support included:
Young Professionals Mentoring Session. The exclusive young professional mentoring session and networking breakfast was an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and learn from industry professionals. Thanks to support from Astroscale and Iridium, all registered in-person young professionals are invited to attend!
The Space Generation Advisory Council–UK Space Agency–Secure World Foundation Scholarship. Secure World Foundation has partnered with the UK Space Agency and Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) to provide scholarships to the winners of a video essay contest. The applicants needed to provide a 1-minute video essay in which they show their knowledge on one of the panel topics of the conference. We were thrilled to announce and feature the following scholarship recipients and their winning video essays, and enjoyedhosting them at the conference in New York:
Robert Cowlishaw
Robert is a Ph.D. researcher at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland, researching how distributed internet technologies can benefit current space processes that are decentralized by nature, such as Space Traffic Management and Disaster Response Management.
His bachelor's and master's Degrees in Aero-Mechanical Engineering bring with them knowledge of space systems, which is combined with his interest in systems architecture and cryptographic methods, creating a background for research in distributed-internet-governance in space and the challenges it brings.
As part of his Ph.D., he is investigating practical cryptographic techniques such as asynchronous consensus for ad hoc (chaotic) satellite networks, digital reputation, and large-scale data oracles while understanding and leveraging the economic state of space and satellite data to create a more equitable system.
These technologies and ideas are brought together to build a neutral, resistant inter-satellite communication system and a universal platform for communication and decision-making in space.
Emily McColville
Emily McColville is a 22-year-old graduate student at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. Her work is focused on developing interdisciplinary solutions to food supply challenges on long-term space missions. Emily combines biology and computer vision to create precision livestock farming technologies to monitor edible insect colonies on Earth and in space.
Her goal is to use machine learning to generate novel insights into unknown aspects of insect physiology, contribute to cultivating insects as a sustainable food source, and help grow the Canadian space sector.
In addition to her scientific pursuits, Emily is a Canon FUTURES creator and passionate science communicator who uses photojournalism, illustrations, and documentary films to engage audiences with science.
Nicolas Moraitis
Nicolas Moraitis is a space lawyer from Greece and the Satellite Regulatory Affairs Officer at Charter Space, a start-up specialising in satellite logistics and space mission management. He has been working with several different clients and partners, analysing the various regulatory and licensing frameworks around the world. Before joining the private sector, Nicolas was part of the Royal Netherlands Air Force’s Space Security Centre, as a Space Law Intern, and also a Research Assistant at the University of Exeter, reading on applications of international (space) law in military operations. He holds an LL.B from the University of Sussex and an LL.M on Air & Space Law from Leiden University. He has been actively involved within SGAC, currently serving as an NPoC for Greece and a Co-Lead for the Space Generation Advocacy and Policy Platform’s Sustainability Group.
Ewan Wright
Ewan Wright is a PhD student at the University of British Columbia, Canada, where he researches the reentry of space objects and other space sustainability issues under the Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program (Astrophysics and Political Science). He graduated with a master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Sheffield, UK, and completed internships at the Satellite Applications Catapult in the UK and the European Space Policy Institute in Austria. Ewan is a member of the SGAC Space Safety and Sustainability Project Group, a Junior Fellow of the Outer Space Institute, and volunteers with UKSEDS and SpaceCareers.uk to help people find careers in the space industry.
Marie-Claire de Bruijn
Marie-Claire de Bruijn is currently studying law with the expected graduation of state-certified examination at the University of Cologne in Germany.
Parallelly, she works as a Student Assistant at BHO legal, a legal firm in which she has started out as an intern in 2021 and which constantly keeps her involved with legal issues in the field of aerospace. In addition, she contributes to volunteer-based interdisciplinary projects.
For a year, she has worked as a Coordination Manager at the World Space Week Association. Also, she volunteered at a global book project lead by Domi Inter Astra (DIA), an initiative under the SEPG of the SGAC and winners of the Moon Design Challenge, where she first started as a contributor to chapters pertaining to economic, industrial, and policy aspects, then as a Chapter Lead.
She has also won the Student-Grant by Women in Aerospace – Europe to participate and present a paper at the IAC2022 in Paris. Previously, she participated at the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition where her team’s memorial was awarded the best memorial in the Europe rounds.
Before that, she has worked at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) as a Student Assistant and conducted several internships at different legal firms.
José Pedro Ferreira
José Pedro Ferreira is a Fulbright and NASA FINESST fellow pursuing a doctoral degree in Astronautical Engineering at University of Southern California under the subject of space sustainability and environmental impact of spacecraft demise in the atmosphere.
José holds a Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico – University of Lisbon, has been trained in concurrent engineering by ESA and in nanosatellite technology by ISRO. José conducted graduate-level research at Delft University of Technology and at NASA Ames Research Center.
As an aerospace engineer, he served as the lead systems engineer for the INFANTE project that developed a SAR microsatellite, and as a guest lecturer at the Polytechnic Institute of Setubal where he also conducted research at its Center for Product Development and Technology Transfer.
Further, José worked as the co-lead of the Commercial Space Project Group within the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC), is an effective member of the Space Entrepreneurship and Investment Committee at the International Astronautical Federation, and served as a SGAC delegate in the 57th and 58th Scientific and Technical Subcommittees of the UN COPUOS.
Anjali Santhakumar
Anjali is an aerospace engineering student from London, and she is currently pursuing her bachelor’s degree at the University of Bath. As the treasurer of the Engineers without Borders society, she actively contributes to promoting sustainable engineering practices.
Furthermore, she is a member of the University Roving Team, where she shares her skills and knowledge. In addition, Anjali is a dedicated tutor and an active member of the university community. She serves as a mentor and captain, helping younger students settle into university and providing support to incoming undergraduates.
As an aspiring engineer with a deep passion for spacecraft engineering, Anjali is firmly dedicated to advancing sustainability in the field. Her goal is to contribute to a future where sustainable practices are seamlessly integrated into space missions and exploration.
To accomplish this, she plans to pursue graduate studies after completing her undergraduate degree, allowing her to further expand her knowledge and expertise.