Clelia Iacomino

Clelia Iacomino is at SEE Lab (Space Economy Evolution Lab)of SDA Bocconi in policy impact analysis, market analysis and international business strategy. Clelia earned a MSc Degree in Political Science – International Relations from La Sapienza University and a Master in Space Institutions and Policies at SIOI (Italian Society for International Organisation), Rome. She is currently PhD Candidate in Management & Innovation at Catholic University of Milan. Her research activities focus on: the impact of satellites services on demand side (such as: agriculture, transportations, energy, insurance and telecommunications), technological trends regarding the on-orbit servicing, the impact of policy on corporate and international business strategy, space governance and European market fragmentation, knowledge sharing for innovation in a complex ecosystem, policy and business issues regarding the activities of Moon mining, economic theory applied to space debris scenarios and the role of the industries and public sectors of the sustainability of the Low Earth Orbit.